Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling
Dance Movement Therapy
Dance Movement Therapy is an expressive arts form that uses body-oriented psychotherapy based on psychology, humanistic and existential therapies. It focuses on unifying the cognitive, emotional, psychological and spiritual expressions of the individual’s lived experiences through improvised movement and dance. An individual’s lived experiences or narrative is often expressed through the body, how a person moves reveals their inner psyche as it is communicated through breath, body posture, muscular tension and somatic responses. A person’s relational style is also found in psychological wounds, injuries and trauma which are all contained within the body. Healing psyche wounds or physical trauma is through accessing the innate wisdom of the body.
It is through integrating the expressive and experiential arts – movement that restoration of health is possible towards more of an embodied self.
Therapeutic Aims
improvised movement releases life force and vitality that includes images from everyday life, mask work, combined with expressive movement that leads to emotional connections, self-expression and catharsis.
breathe, body posture (attitudes), movement patterns reveals communication styles and narratives.
expression of bodily felt sensations and body memories.
improved capacity of body functioning through expansion of movement repertoire
supportive therapeutic processes grounds the work towards recovery and wellness.
Sharon trained in Integrative Dance Therapy with the German Society for Dance Therapy in association with the European Academy Psychosocial Health and Fritz Perls Institute.