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Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling


We are now offering COVID-19 Telehealth consultations.

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Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling


​It is human nature to seek meaning in one's life, and to live fully to one's potential, yet for some it may seem elusive or difficult to sustain.  Adverse early life childhood experiences, living with complex mental health conditions, co-morbidity issues; chronic ill-health or psycho-social disabilities presents many challenges for individuals and their families. Research studies have shown that traumatic experiences impacts on the individual's psyche and body over their lifespan.

An assault or wound to the body also leaves its imprint on the psyche. Often,

what lies in its wake, is that the individual experiences a sense of disconnect from their whole sense of being which then impacts on interpersonal and family relations. It is on this premise that an integrative psychotherapeutic model is central to working with the whole person. An embodied philosophical approach underpins the therapeutic work, it encompasses working with all the dimensions of the human experience and existence across the lifespan. The therapeutic approaches considers the brain body-based relational therapy, biopsychosocial and developmental frameworks, gestalt therapy, somatic experiencing and trauma therapy models, psychological strategies as well as psychotherapy to promote integration towards more of an embodied self.​​​​​


Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling


Sharon has substantial clinical experience in child, adolescent & family psychiatry, primary health care, child and family services, family violence and sexual assault services, as well as tertiary education and training sectors for over 25 years. Sharon has a background in clinical social work, gestalt therapy, body movement therapy, training and supervision. Initially, she trained in psychiatric social work (child, adolescent & family therapies), working from a psychodynamic perspective and undertook an 12 month infant-parent observation and seminars with psychoanalytic psychotherapists. Whilst living in Europe, she studied Integrative Dance Therapy in association with the European Academy Psychosocial Health and Fritz Perls Institute. She then complemented her dance therapy practice by undertaking further studies in relational gestalt therapy with Gestalt Therapy Australia. She continues to extend her practice with training in existential supervision, somatic experiencing and trauma therapy models.


She has a special interest in attachment & early developmental trauma, bereavement & loss, eating disorders & body dysmorphic, family & interpersonal relationships, perinatal mental health, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychosocial disabilities that is informed by somatic experiencing, trauma therapy models, psychological strategies, psychodynamic psychotherapy, sensorimotor & relational gestalt therapy, which are integrated into her therapeutic practice with individuals, families and groups. 

Sharon works as a clinical supervisor with Monash University,Faculty of Education, Masters of Counselling. Sharon also works at The Royal Women’s Hospital, Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) as a trauma counsellor and maintains a private practice.



BSW(Hons), GradDipMntHlth (Child, Adolescent & Family Therapies), DipGestalt Th. Integrative Tanztherapie (DGT, Germany), Cert IV Assessment & Workplace Training Clinical Supervisor (CEP), Somatic Experiencing (Level 1,11).

Professional Memberships & Registrations

ANZMHA, ACSW(Clinical), MHSW(Acc), DTAA(Prof), NDIS,

ACA College of Clinical Counsellors, ACA College of Supervisors

Medicare Registered

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Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling


Sharon Paetzold

P.O.Box 246

Mitcham  Vic  3132

​Mob: 0426 499 949

Fax: 03 8802 4495

Practice Locations:


Fitzroy | Mitcham | Surrounding Areas | Outreach | Telehealth

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Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy assists individuals to explore interpersonal and intrapsychic psychological problems with a focus on familial, social and relational issues that is contextualised and considered on a continuum of health.  An embodied philosophical approach underpins the psychotherapeutic practice with individuals and groups across the lifespan with complex mental health conditions and co-morbidity issues. A therapeutic relationship enables individuals to develop awareness of personal, relational or interpersonal issues that may be episodic or situational in nature or enduring throughout one's life.

Counselling utilises psychological focussed strategies to explore a range of issues such as: anxiety, depression or mood disorders; grief & loss; eating disorders and body image; drug and alcohol; child/parent; identity and life transition; including chronic illnesses and psychosocial disabilities in a safe therapeutic environment. The counselling processes facilitates change through developing insight & awareness in cognition, emotional feelings and behaviours, enhances capacity to tolerate and regulate emotions and empowers an individual towards life changing decisions to embrace positive mental health and well-being.   

Psychotherapy use psychological therapies to treat psychosocial, psychosomatic and behavioural disturbances or states of suffering by evidenced-based psychotherapeutic processes. A comprehensive mental health approach considers both conscious and unconscious states, family systems therapy, relational states of being from an existential, phenomenological perspective to understand self in the context of the environment. Psychotherapists and clients work together to understand the conscious aspects of the present lived experience, as well as bringing the unconscious aspects into consciousness; body-based therapies and somatic experiencing supports resolution of trauma; relational patterns are explored through existential phenomenological approaches to support awareness, growth and change.​

Clinical Services

  • mental health assessments

  • bio psycho social & developmental assessments

  • therapeutic recovery & treatment plan: individual counselling, family counselling & group therapy. 

Specialising in

  • attachment & developmental trauma 

  • infant-parent mental health & perinatal counselling

  • chronic illnesses & disabilities 

  • grief, bereavement & loss

  • complex trauma & post-traumatic stress disorders

  • eating problems & body image

  • interpersonal & family relationships

  • suicide prevention & intervention

Psychological Strategies

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

  • Family based interventions

  • Interpersonal therapy

  • Psycho-education  

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Mindfulness 

  • Narrative therapy

  • Psycho education

  • Relaxation Strategies

Please refer to GP & Health Professionals page for further information.

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling


An embodied philosophical approach encompasses therapeutic recovery-oriented support programs such as individual counselling, family counselling, recovery support programs and educational, therapeutic group work programs for individuals living with chronic illnesses, complex mental heath conditions and psychosocial disabilities. A family systems, life span approach including working systemically provides a framework to understand the person-in-environment context.  This multi-focussed approach includes knowledge of human functioning and behaviour, mental health conditions, psychiatric treatment and psychosocial recovery models, including how socioeconomic, legal and cultural factors interact and impact on individuals and their families across the lifespan.  An improved psychosocial disability stream considers the lived experience of those living with psychosocial disabilities, mental health practitioners and services which provides holistic, innovative recovery treatment programs to support integration towards independence and positive well-being. It is on this premise that the following psychosocial supports are offered:​


Therapeutic Supports

Individual Counselling

  • Psychosocial disabilities & mental health conditions including co-morbidity issues 

  • Grief, bereavement and loss issues associated with adjustments to disability 

  • Anxiety management and emotional regulation strategies

  • Social skills training and independent living strategies 

  • Trauma resolution arising from abuse, neglect, family and sexual violence

  • Psychoeducation on living with psychosocial disabilities

Family Counselling

  • Grief, bereavement and loss issues impacting on family relationships & interpersonal relationships  

  • Family recovery support programs - carers mental health and well-being 

  • Managing with family dynamics and life transitions

  • Conflict management & resolution


  • Carer recovery support groups

  • Psychoeducation on living with disability

  • Psychosocial educational & therapeutic groups

  • Training & education programs to build workforce capacity

Innovative Community Participation

  • Arts Therapy - Dance Movement Therapy

  • NeuroMovement Psychotherapy

NDIS - Counselling

Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling

NeuroMovement Psychotherapy

NeuroMovement Psychotherapy is an expressive arts form that uses body-oriented psychotherapy based on psychology, humanistic and existential therapies. It focuses on unifying the cognitive, emotional, psychological and spiritual expressions of the individual’s lived experiences through improvised movement and dance. An individual’s lived experiences or narrative is often expressed through the body, how a person moves reveals their inner psyche as it is communicated through breath, body posture, muscular tension and somatic responses. A person’s relational style is also found in psychological wounds, injuries and trauma which are all contained within the body. Healing psyche wounds or physical trauma is through accessing the innate wisdom of the body.

It is through integrating the expressive and experiential arts – movement that restoration of health is possible towards more of an embodied self.

Therapeutic Aims

  • improvised movement to release emotional content

  • improvisational techniques for unearthing life force and vitality that includes images from everyday life, mask work, combined with expressive movement that leads to emotional connections, self-expression and catharsis

  • a moving inward in search of self

  • breathe, body posture (attitudes), movement patterns informs communication styles

  • expression of bodily felt sensations and body memories, dreams and narratives emerge

  • improved capacity of body functioning through expansion of movement repertoire

  • supportive therapeutic processes grounds the work towards recovery and wellness.


Sharon trained in Integrative Dance Therapy with the German Society for Dance Therapy in association with the European Academy Psychosocial Health and Fritz Perls Institute. Sharon works from an embodied approach integrating many therapeutic modalities into her work with individuals and groups to promote healing and recovery.

NDIS - NeuroMovement Psychotherapy

Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling

Training & Supervision

Advanced Clinical Training - Embodied Psychotherapy

Practitioners will be introduced to embodied theories and concepts which includes body movement psychotherapy model in working with clients.  It will draw from neurobiological research, somatic trauma therapies and restorative frameworks to understand the effects of trauma on the body, psyche and general functioning. Practitioners will further develop an understanding of attending to the client from a therapeutic stance of an embodied presence, body-oriented psychotherapy approaches and interventions to deepen the therapeutic work.


Clinical Supervision

Allied health, community and mental health practitioners need to effectively navigate the complex government and non-government systems, funding resources and programs to meet the complex needs of individuals and families in a rapidly changing society. Often practitioners are exposed to challenging situations that may seem beyond their capacity given the complexities and demands of the service system, they may experience vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue as a result of these competing demands.  

Supervision facilitates insight, broaden perspectives, builds capacity and empowers practitioners.  

Professional Development/Workshops

  • Attachment & Trauma

  • Grief, Breavement & Loss

  • Embodiment of Trauma

  • Working with Complex Trauma & Suicidality

  • Self Compassion Practice and Resiliency

Customised Training

Specific interests or topics can be delivered to meet the identified needs of agency staff or an organisation's workforce development.

Professional Membership

Australian Counselling Association | College of Clinical Supervisors

Enquiries & Registrations 

Sharon Paetzold

M: 0426 499 949


NB:Schedule of Fees, Training Dates & Payment Options available upon request.

Training & Supervion

Melbourne Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling

GP & Health Professionals

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are registered providers with Medicare Australia. They have been assessed on behalf of the Commonwealth Government by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) as having specialist mental health expertise to deliver clinical social work services and evidence-based psychological strategies. 


An Accredited Mental Health Social Worker (AMHSW) is eligible to provide services through the Commonwealth-funded Better Access to Mental Health Care and Chronic Diseases Management (Enhanced Primary Care) programs. Social workers are also providers in the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) program.


Accredited Mental Health Social Workers have a breadth of experience in assessing and treating people who have mild to moderate and complex mental health conditions and co-morbidity issues. Patients seeking Medicare rebates for focused psychological strategies – allied mental health services will need to have a referral from a GP, Medical Practitioner, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician.


MBS Items

  • Individual Focussed Psychological Strategies Services 

  • Group Focussed Psychological Strategies

  • Video Conferences for Focussed Psychological Services 

  • Non Directive Pregnancy Counselling Support

  • TeleHealth Services

Private Health Funds & Rebates

  • Medibank Private

  • Teachers Health Fund

  • TAC Services

  • Victims of Crime (VOC)  ​

  • WorkCover 

GP & Health Professionals
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